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Whether this seating chart is hanging from a tree or hanging from tree, the shape and the colors will automatically create a romantic aesthetic as it flutters in the wind.
Materials: Ruler, watercolor, x-acto knife, ribbon, copper pipe, string, hot glue gun
1) Create your own stencil and cut out shapes of pentagon.
2) Choose whichever color you like from the color palette and create an ombre. For this instance, I chose blue. I colored a ratio of them dark blue and faded the colors until it became white.
3) Once the pentagons are slightly dried, pile it together and place it in between two heavy objects-I used two giant text books. This allows the paper to flatten out and uncurl.
4) Lay out your pentagon like how you would hang them, creating the ombre effect. Once ordered, write calligraphy alphabetically from top to bottom. Make sure you calculate the amount of guests you want in one column to avoid short columns in the end. You can also stagger the ribbons, making some columns shorter than others.
5) Create a slit on the top and bottom of the pentagon.
6) Now it's time to hang them up. Starting with the bottom of the column, insert the ribbon through the first slit and pull it out on the top. Continue to weave until you reach the top.
7) Put a string through your copper pipe and make a knot at the top.
8) After weaving your pentagons, you will have left over ribbon on the top. If not, slide your pentagons further down the ribbon. Using the left over space, loop it around the copper and overlap the ribbon in the front and hot glue gun the front and back together.
9) Continue to do this for the rest of the column.
You can make more than one of these seating charts, sectioning guests from A-L, M-Q, R-Z. They would look like wind chimers when they're hung.
Whether this seating chart is hanging from a tree or hanging from tree, the shape and the colors will automatically create a romantic aesthetic as it flutters in the wind.
Materials: Ruler, watercolor, x-acto knife, ribbon, copper pipe, string, hot glue gun
1) Create your own stencil and cut out shapes of pentagon.
2) Choose whichever color you like from the color palette and create an ombre. For this instance, I chose blue. I colored a ratio of them dark blue and faded the colors until it became white.
3) Once the pentagons are slightly dried, pile it together and place it in between two heavy objects-I used two giant text books. This allows the paper to flatten out and uncurl.
4) Lay out your pentagon like how you would hang them, creating the ombre effect. Once ordered, write calligraphy alphabetically from top to bottom. Make sure you calculate the amount of guests you want in one column to avoid short columns in the end. You can also stagger the ribbons, making some columns shorter than others.
5) Create a slit on the top and bottom of the pentagon.
6) Now it's time to hang them up. Starting with the bottom of the column, insert the ribbon through the first slit and pull it out on the top. Continue to weave until you reach the top.
7) Put a string through your copper pipe and make a knot at the top.
8) After weaving your pentagons, you will have left over ribbon on the top. If not, slide your pentagons further down the ribbon. Using the left over space, loop it around the copper and overlap the ribbon in the front and hot glue gun the front and back together.
9) Continue to do this for the rest of the column.
You can make more than one of these seating charts, sectioning guests from A-L, M-Q, R-Z. They would look like wind chimers when they're hung.